The map of the European Silk Road of the ARACNE project presented in Calabria

Workshop “Actions for the diversification of production in agriculture”, with the participation of CREA Research Centre of Agriculture and Environment of Padua.

Wednesday 1st March 2023 – 9:00 a.m.
c/o Agricultural School IIS “E. Ferrari” – Contrada Foresta, Chiaravalle Centrale (CZ)

An initiative sponsored by the Municipality of Chiaravalle C.le, realised in collaboration with the Council for Research in Agriculture and Economics (CREA) – Centre of Agriculture and Environment, to which citizens, associations, agricultural and forestry entrepreneurs, professional organisations and schools in the area have been invited to participate.

Speakers also included Silvia Cappellozza, Head of the Laboratory of Sericulture in Padua of CREA, Research Centre of Agriculture and Environment, with the speech: Project ARACNE: the map of the European Silk Road created by students through App” and Giuseppe Corti, Director of CREA Agriculture and Environment, with the speech “The study of soil profiles for the recovery of mulberry cultivation in Calabria”.

The event, which was also attended with interest by students from the Agricultural School, was well followed by the public and concluded with a demonstration activity in the field by Prof. Corti, who illustrated a methodology for the self-assessment of agricultural soils at the Villa Centrale in Chiaravalle.

Work coordination and organisational support: Prof. Leania Condello, teacher at the ‘Enzo Ferrari’ Secondary Education Institute in Chiaravalle Centrale.

> Download the event program

TG Jonio:
reportage of 2nd March 2023

Press Release

04/03/2023, – Filiera del Gelso, al “Ferrari” di Chiaravalle Centrale si aprono nuovi orizzonti

02/03/2023, Gazzetta del Sud – La via della seta europea, riflettori sul progetto Aracne

27/02/2023, CREA – Gelsibachicoltura: Azioni per la diversificazione delle produzioni in agricoltura

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