The vision of CREA (Padova) at the symposium of Maribor towards a European strategy for sericulture and the Italian experience of Serinnovation.
Thursday 14th October
University of Maribor, Slovenija
The symposium takes place under the international, bilateral Slovenian- Hungarian ARRS/OTKA research project “Influence of feeding silkmoth (Bombyx mori L.) hybrid larvae with leaves of old local Hungarian and Slovenian mulberry (Morus alba L.) genotypes on the development and health status of larvae” on the Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences (University of Maribor, Slovenia) and Veterinary University of Budapest (Hungary) .
The Congress speakers are in constant contact with CREA (Padova) with which there is an effective collaboration. For this reason, the organizers invited Dr. Silvia Cappellozza to illustrate her vision towards a European strategy for sericulture and the Italian experience of the project Serinnovation.
- Music for harp, instrument of silk voice
- Greeting and presentation of participants
- Cultivation of mulberry trees for sericulture, new challenges of their multiple use
- Presentation of rearing of silkworms
- Questions and talk about mulberry trees and silkworms
- New Maribor, Slovenian and Hungarian paradigm of sericulture
- Brief presentation of scientific, ecological, textile, artistic, architectural, and other platforms for renewal of sericulture in Maribor, Slovenija and Hungary
- Control over viral disease is control over sericology
- New strategy of Italian and European sericulture – Dr. Silvia Cappellozza, boss of Institute for sericulture in Padova
- Presentation of the collection of old mulberry tree gene bank (in a mulberry field near Villa Pohorski dvorec)